AMI(Amazon Machine Image)
An Amazon Machine Image (AMI) is an encrypted file stored in Amazon S3. AMI 是編碼過後存在 Amazon S3 的 Image instances, 此 Image instances 就是一套作業系統的 snapshot, EC2 開機就是靠 Image 當作業系統.
Amazon EC2 Instance
A running server instantiated from an AMI is referred to as an instance. All instances launched from the same AMI will create a nearly identical running server (except for the IP range or computer name).
執行 AMI 產生出的實體(instance), 此為主 Server 系統.
Security Group
The security group is analogous to a firewall that can block all
incoming (ingress) and outgoing (egress) traffic that does not come in
on a specific IP (specified by a CIDR) or port number range.簡易的防火牆設定, 可以設定要 開放/關閉 哪些 TCP/UDP port 或 網段 等.
Instance Type
The instance types described different configurations of CPU, memory, and ephemeral storage capacity. 由 Instance type 來決定要哪種等級的機器 / CPU / Ram / HD 等.
Availability Zone
Amazon EC2 provides the ability to place instances in multiple locations. Amazon EC2 locations arecomposed of availability zones and regions.
Amazon EC2 支援很多的地區, 由此選擇想要在哪個地區
(註: 若有使用 Volumes, Volumes 也要選同樣地區)
Minimum/Maximum Number of Instances
This functionality provides you with a way asking Amazon EC2 for a specific range of instances.
一次要開啟多少數量的 Instances.
S3 Bucket
S3 is a persistent data store that enables you to store objects, like an AMI. 儲存 AMI 到 Amazon S3, AMI 就儲存在 S3 Bucket.
EBS(Elastic Block Storage)
Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) provides block level storage volumes for use with Amazon EC2 instances.
EBS 可以提供給 Amazon EC2 實體一個實體的儲存空間. (EC2 關機後, 資料就消失了.)
Amazon EBS Volume
Amazon EBS volumes are off-instance storage that persists independently from the life of an instance.You can create storage volumes from 1 GB to 1 TB that can be mounted as devices by Amazon EC2 instances.
Amazon EBS Valoumn 是提供離線狀態的實體儲存空間, 空間大小由 1G ~ 1T 都可以設定, 一個 EC2 Instances 可以 mount 多個 Volume.
Amazon EBS Snapshot
Amazon EBS also provides the ability to create point-in-time snapshots of volumes, which are persisted to Amazon S3.Amazon EBS 另外可以隨時建立 Amazon EBS Volumes 的 Snapshot, 並將此儲存在 Amazon S3.
Elastic IP (EIP)
Elastic IP addresses are static IP addresses designed for dynamic cloud computing.Elastic IP addresses are associated with your account, not specific instances.
EIP 是要給此機器一個固定的靜態 IP, 不過 IP 是給 Account, 並不是給任何一個 Instances.